Friday, January 9, 2009

Oh Dear God Thank You for Antibiotics / Caillou Sucks

So, I visited my ear, nose and throat doctor yesterday. There are now officially 2 people in my house taking an antibiotic.

I have a raging sinus infection, which I suspected, but hoped would not be the case. I had no idea what a sorry mess I was until I took the meds. Now, a little over a day and 2 doses of Augmentin in, I am feeling like the queen of the world!!

This is the first day in 3 weeks that I have not been borderline non-functional due to a daily splitting headache. Wow.

Sofia accompanied me to San Francisco for my visit, which was at the hospital I was admitted to for pneumonia in spring 2007.

She said she remembered it. Something about a Wiggles book. She was 2 years old at the time (I was released on her 2nd birthday). Knowing my little sponge, she is probably telling the truth.


The other night, she told me she had a nightmare that she had been drowning. Drowning!

This was very disturbing to me as I could not for the life of me imagine why she'd have this thought in her head. We don't talk about drowning, she's had limited exposure to water or anything of that nature. I was really concerned. Is my 3 year old under too much stress? Why is she dreaming about drowning?

As someone who has suffered from scary, water related dreams my entire life, this was really weighing on my mind. I was beginning to think maybe there was a genetic cause until I found out the real culprit.

Freakin' Caillou.

I guess there as an episode recently where he falls in the water.

I knew I didn't like that whiny little bald rugrat.


Cynthia said...

OMG, I hate that whiny Caillou too! Sorry he gave your baby a nightmare :-(

trisha said...

I just happened by your blog and just had to laugh about Caillou! My kids LOVE the show, but the whiney voice and bald head, ugh!
PS I also have 3 kids, my daughter was 2 when my twins (boy/girl) were born!

Heather & Chaos said...

We have banished Caillou from our house. I still have five episodes TiVo'd for those emergencies but we just keep telling him he can choose from Handy Manny, Mickey Mouse CLubhouse, or Dragon Tales. He usually picks Handy Manny.