Thursday, July 5, 2007

The Days of Summer

Things are good with the boys. They are getting bigger every day. They love to eat, typically sleep from 8 pm- 6 am, so no complaints. I think David is getting ready to roll over and they are both looking like they may start batting at toys soon. They're not so good with their trunk strength, that's my fault. I need to get them on the floor for more tummy time. Both of them are really happy most of the time, smiling and cooing. William still lets you know when he wants something, with his trademark angry wail, but it could be much worse. David is very patient, will wait for you without complaining, just smiling at the air. They are starting to get to a very fun age, thank god. I never thought I would get here.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Life with 3 under 3

So life is pretty good now. The boys are pretty regular at this point. I have kept them pretty scheduled from the beginning, but now things are really falling into place. They wake around 6 and eat, then eat every 4 hours, final bottle around 7 p.m., then bath and to sleep at 8:00. Typically, we don't hear from them until 6 a.m. I realize we are very lucky. Sofia was the same way, thank goodness. Soon, I will have them in the nursery with her. Not sure how that will work out, I suspect she'll be "talking" to them.

Yesterday, we were driving in the car and she had her toy cell...she was calling them on the phone. It was pretty cute. She really does love them and I suppose that is one of the benefits of her being so young. She doesn't understand jealousy much. She is always asking where they are. In fact, we went out yesterday and as I put her in the car, she questioned why they weren't coming. It's pretty cute...

I have had to take care of all 3 a few times this week, for the first time. It was hectic, but I managed. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, just involves a lot of time management and juggling. It literally takes me 2 hours to get everyone fed, dressed, myself showered and coiffed. If I skip the coiffing, goes quicker. I suspect I will be skipping the coiffing most of the time.