Friday, January 30, 2009

Mommy & Sofia Date

So I took Sofia to her first movie, ever, yesterday. A bona fide movie buff myself, I'm sort of surprised that it's taken me this long to introduce my little girl to the fabulousity of movies on the big screen. I felt she was a bit too young at 3 and then there hasn't been anything I felt compelled to spend $$ on since. As it was, the "bargain" price for me was $8 and a child's ticket was $7.50. At the risk of making myself sound like I should qualify for the senior's discount, I remember when a movie ticket was $1.50. I really do. I remember it being a big deal when it hit $5.00. That is hard to believe.

Sofia did surprisingly well. She got a bit fidgety towards the end, but seemed to enjoy the movie. We saw "Hotel for Dogs" and I'd like to go on record that Emma Roberts is adorable and will no doubt be the new teen queen.

About 20 minutes into previews, Sofia did turn to me and say "Mommy? WHEN DOES THE DOGGIE MOVIE START???"

I got her a Sprite (she's had soda maybe 2-3 times in her life) and she wasn't drinking it. Finally, towards the end, she drank it and said "Mommy? I don't like Diet Coke."

I said "It's not diet coke, it's Sprite."

She said "Mommy, I don't like champagne."

WTF? CHAMPAGNE? lol She has never seen champagne, tasted champagne or even been around anyone drinking it, so I'm baffled on that one. Going to have to get to the bottom of this one.


Pam said...

Now we know what they serve in preschool to get them to nap!

BagMomma said...

We did Hotel for Dogs two weeks ago. David loved it.

MommyAmy said...

lol, champagne???

That's awesome. :p

Gina said...

Champagne! I love it!! I took L to a movie this summer - he was only 17 months! They have free movies in the summer near me and I think it was the only time he's ever sat still for that long. Gotta love Ice Age.