Sunday, December 7, 2008

Words, Asthma & the Return of the Fee Fi Fo Monster

So, David didn't wake up during the night needing a Nebulizer treatment, so that was good.

Unfortunately, the Fee Fi Fo Monster is back, so I was greeted by Sofia at 3 a.m, wanting to get in bed with me. We really need a bigger bed. That's not likely to happen, so in the meantime, I once again, dragged her mattress in our bedroom and plopped it on the floor.

This made her happy, laying sort of next to me, insisting that I face her until she fall asleep. Just as I was drifting off, I hear her say "I lay there, close my eyes, waiting for you to come and give me my treatment and you never came..." (I had promised her I'd give her a nebulizer treatment after I gave David one, but she was asleep and there was no way I was waking her.)

Only my kid would look forward to taking her medicine. She actually scurries around saying "It's time for my treatment!"


I woke up to Sofia's little voice saying "Mommy? Why is your boob sticking out?" And there it was, my boob had completely popped out of my shirt, in all its 3-kids-and-various-weight-fluctuations-glory.

The morning has been...interesting. David has been understandingly clingy and very OCD. He has to have his favorite pink binky in his mouth, his favorite blue binky in his right hand and various items in the left hand. For a while, it was my Exergen temperal scanner, then it was a little car, then it was a sippy with juice.

We played stickers for a while. Sofia took great delight in placing stickers all over my chest. She seems a little obsessed with my chestal region today, I wonder why.

Then, we did a nebulizer treatment on all 3 kids. William was a rock star, holding the piece on his own and keeping it in his mouth the whole time. Teething and nebulizer treatments definitely mix.

After that, we all looked at picture books and learned some words. Sofia was getting a little too aggressive, basically trying to take over and demanding we turn the page on her timetable, so I warned her to stop. She then said..."I don't wuv you!"

"What?" Knife in my chest.

"I wike you...but I don't wuv you..." she exclaimed, then slowly broke out in a grin, knowing she was saying something very shocking and/or innappropriate.

If I had a dime for every time I heard that and said that back in my single years, well, let's just say I'd be a very rich woman. I never thought I'd hear it from my 3 year old daughter and have absolutely no idea where she heard it. I thought it was pretty ironic that in the midst of teaching the boys words, I had some hurtful ones thrown at me. A more enlightened mom might have sat and explained that it's ok to have those feelings, but that it hurts mommy to hear her say that. Feeling impatient, sleepy and nursing a headache, I was not quite that enlightened.

"Please don't say that, it's not nice," was my terse response. I think she got the message.

So, that takes us to the present. All 3 are napping and I could be cleaning, doing laundry, grocery shopping for that matter, but I'm feeling a bit lazy, so I've shut myself into my bedroom and plan on reading and watching cable news. Good times.

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