Sunday, December 7, 2008

Ah, Sofia

Sofia has announced that she is Hannah Montana Sofia Rock Star.

She came in the room while I was watching Rock of Love Charm School, took one look at Lacey and said she wanted to be the red person. She then said "What the heck are you watching, Mommy?"

Alrighty then.

We went grocery shopping late this afternoon and for some insane reason, I brought Sofia with me. After a quick trip to the library, we headed for Safeway. She wasn't too bad, thanks to a nap, but when we got in line to check out, it was rather crowded and she was apparently kicking an old lady's cart who was (if I do say so myself) a little too close to us.

I was busily arranging my items on the conveyer belt (anyone who reads my blog knows I'm a wee bit anal about this) so wasn't paying attention. The old lady said "Hey! Don't kick my cart!"

I immediately stopped what I was doing and reprimanded Sofia with a terse, "Sofia, please do not kick the cart..."

A minute later, I hear the lady say "Kick your own cart!" a little bit bitchier than I thought necessary. She went on a bit and I cut her off with a "She's just a little girl..." Of course, she immediately backed off.

I felt sort of bad for a moment, but she was just a cranky old lady and she was standing too damn close to us.

Sofia then proceeded to cough her croupy cough right in the woman's personal space. I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing.

Take that, old biddy.

I'm going to hell, I'm sure of it.

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