Saturday, December 20, 2008

Vomit is in the Air Tonight

Christmas cards are done (late, but done!). The last of the presents are wrapped. I have a few more little things to do, but for the most part, I'm feeling ready for Christmas.

What an ideal time for David to start the pukes! He has thrown up twice tonight in his bed, I've stripped the bed twice. I just layed some towels down in there as I suspect it's going to be a long night.

And it seems as though Green Beret's visit yesterday was all it took to put the fear of God into William. Just today, he has started saying "DDDDDeh!" for "Dee" (We call David "D") and he was trying to say shoe earlier, although I am the only person who would ever be able to tell that was what he was saying. Maybe we are turning a corner. It sure would be a nice change of pace as the whining and tantruming are starting to occur with more frequency as their strong desire to communicate their needs and their lack of ability to express themselves is coming to a head.

1 comment:

Heather & Chaos said...

UGH! I hate this age!! Give me two when they can communicate (for the most part) what they want. You may not give it to them and they'll trantum but at least you'll know WHY they are tantruming! Good luck!!