Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Quirks 'R' Us

I've been tagged with this lovely meme - to name 6 quirky things about yourself.

My first response was "Well, I'm not really that quirky" but then I realized, I had plenty of material.

1. I love the smell of gasoline and chlorine. Yeah, that's right. I like to breathe in carcinogens. Sue me.

2. I love everything Disney. I am a total sucker for the Magical Kingdom and anything related to it. I am also fascinated with Walt Disney history. I have done a bit of reading on him and realize there is much to know about him (mostly bad - which draws me in even more), behind his well known persona.

3. I am a total freak for astronomy. Were it not for my complete lack of academic prowess with math and science, I may have gone into astronomy as a field. In fact, I think underneath the surface, I may be a closet science geek. Have I mentioned how clear the stars are living out here on the coast? Very few street lights, it's like we're camping - the sky is pitch black. It's probably my favorite part of living here.

4. I'm deathly afraid of some benign things, primarily goldfish. I have tried to analyze why this is for years and the only thing that makes any sense is that I'm frightened by their fragility. I have vague memories of having goldfish as a child (Donny and Marie) and watching them flop on the floor, too scared to pick them up, then watching them die. (I also am not fond of the kamakaze suicide move they do, jumping out of the bowl to their death) I am not cut out for animals that die that easily. Not a big gerbil or bird fan, either, now that I think about it. Suffice it to say, Sofia won't be having any of those animals. Oh and let's not forget my irrational fear of snails. David picked one up recently (thinking it was a rock) and I screamed like a baby. Give me spiders or bugs any day, but get a snail near me and I'm a quivering freak.

5. I love the History Channel, Frontline and Nova. Along with Rock of Love, The Hills and Dancing with the Stars. What.....a dichotomy.

6. I'm painfully prompt. BK (before kids) I was always early. Now, I am merely on time. I am rarely late. I think this comes from a deep seated fear of missing out on something or getting in trouble.


For the meme, here are the rules:

Link the person who tagged you
Mention rules on your blog
Tell about 6 quirks of yours
Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same
Leave a comment to let them know
Here is who I have tagged...

1. Shelli
2. Fern
3. Heather
4. Melissa from Tennesse

I know it's only 4, but honestly, these are the only people I "know" well enough to tag.

1 comment:

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

Donny and Marie- too funny! I like your list and your kids are adorable!