Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Rainbows & Otarynologists

So, I drove 45 minutes to San Francisco yesterday, only to be informed that I was not on the schedule. SAY WHAT? At first, I was angry, then I almost resorted to tears. My plans of making a scene to get in to see the doctor were nuked when they informed me that the doctor was heading into surgery. I begrudgingly accepted an appointment today. If I drive 45 minutes to San Francisco in the rain to have them turn me away yet again, I may go postal. I'm just sayin'.

I'm trying to stay positive, but honestly, still reeling from last night's Bachelor finale. I don't want to ruin it for anyone who may not have watched yet, but wow. WOW. I had read the entire finale ending online, but wasn't sure if it was accurate. It sure was accurate, to the most minute detail. Ok, I won't say any more until I know people have watched it.

How can I *not* be positive today, when I see a full-on rainbow on my way to work???



Gina said...

And how can you not be positive today when you are only a 45 minute drive from San Fran?!? :) I am jealous here in the midwest! Good luck today!

Oh, and I am totally with you on the Jason thing. Jerk. Liar. Total letdown. Booooo.

Momlissa said...

Gina -- Actually, it's more like 35 minutes. ;)

MommyAmy said...

See, the good news about living in a place where it rains a lot, we get a lot of rainbows. Love em!