Sunday, March 1, 2009

Weekend Pics: The Fashionista & My Little Nurturers

So, just you have an idea of what I'm referring to when I tell you that Sofia has been fighting me on what she will wear on a daily basis...

She typically picks things that are highly weather inappropriate. Like this little get up. Mind you, it was 50 degrees outside and pouring rain. Yeah...notsomuch!
(and that is a piece of the leggings I cut up a week ago or so. No matter how hard I try to get rid of the remnants, she keeps finding them and including them in her signature look)

And later in the day...William and David attempting to "feed" their babies. It's really cute, actually. Sofia never showed this kind of interest in nurturing her dolls at this age. (Not to compare, but I just think it's interesting that the boys are doing this when she did not)

William kissing his "baby"

And the inmates running the asylum

A surprise visit from the cousins - age 5 and 3.

Between Steve and his brother, there are 5 kids under 5 in the family.



Pam said...

LOVE the photos of the boys feeding and kissing the babies. So cute. Olivia is the oldest of six on my side of the family -- so six under 4. Family dinners are madness!

Monica said...

The five cousins look so great all in a row...that must be some LOUD celebratin' at times. I can imagine: we've got five here daily.

I also have a daughter who wants to wear sandals and tank tops in the rain. Sigh. The fun never stops.

Gina said...

My husband freaks out if I talk about getting a doll for L. Seriously. How ridiculous is that? Those pictures are adorable.

Heather & Chaos said...

Yeah we have 5 under 3 here between us and dh's two brothers. Of course 3 of them are MINE. I only hope I'm not the only one with more than one so they can start to feel my PAIN when trying to do things with more than one child. Oh vey!