Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The "Good" News

So, the speech evaluation is complete. Bottom line, the boys have a mild delay and do not qualify for free speech therapy through the state of California. Their delay would need to be moderate for them to qualify. The doctor assessed the boys at an 18 month level for expressive speech and right on track for receptive language.

We were brought into a little room that had a play kitchen, microwave and basketball hoop. The boys proceeded to put items in the microwave and oven, never stopping once in the hour and a half we were there. The doctor was wonderful. She had a very competent but warm demeanor and I liked it her quite a bit. It didn’t hurt that she also has a 4 year old and we sort of bonded on that level.

Green Beret mostly sat quietly, taking notes, but when she did speak, she was as intense as ever. After about an hour of questions and observations, they both left the room and the doctor came in and gave me the “good news.” Honestly, it is good news. There are so many families out there with special needs or autistic children, I am so thankful to hear that my boys are on track. I wasn’t ever seriously concerned about their development in that regard, but with William’s previous neurological injury and issues, I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t a slight concern there.

That said, I am not sure I agree with the 18-month assessment level. I am obviously not a doctor or speech therapist, but on a purely anecdotal level (based on being around many 2 year olds) I see my boys more at a 15-month level with expressive language. Ironically enough, they would need to be delayed to a 15-month level to qualify for early intervention. A moderate delay would mean they’re using no more than 5-7 words expressively at almost 24 months. They are using 10-12 words expressively. I knew it was going to be a very borderline situation.

So, what's next? They are keeping the case open and we are to check in in a few months to let them know the twins' progression. I could look into private insurance options for speech therapy, but given today's evaluation, I think it's probably best to just hold tight and see what the next three months bring.

Something tells me I haven't seen the last of Green Beret.



MommyAmy said...

Sounds like it went pretty well! I hope that they suddenly have that "language explosion" soon and then you won't have to worry about it anymore. I hear that happens a lot with boys especially.

My girls still aren't saying much of anything. Their appointment to be evaluated isn't until next month, so we'll see what happens between now and then. :)

Gina said...

The language explosion will probably come soon. I agree with does happen more often with boys, and with twins. They'll be ok. It's good that their receptive language is so high!