Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Times, They are A' Changin'

So, the economic situation really has me nervous. I'm no economic guru, but I know enough to be queasy over the recent economic downturn. There seems to be a lot of finger pointing going on - from both conservatives and liberals - and boy, it sure seems like the blame game isn't going to get anything accomplished. One thing is for sure, I do not envy the person who becomes the next POTUS as they have a mess waiting for them, fiscally, socially, domestically, internationally, every which way.

Our CFO sent out an email today, announcing that the company has cancelled all holiday celebrations this year: bonuses, parties, things along those lines. We are to watch all expenses with a fine toothed comb, tighten up the boot straps in every way. The email also has some vaguely ominous reference to future cuts...

"We will be trying our best over the next several weeks to avoid as much pain as we can for everyone during this difficult time."

Sounds like layoffs are potentially around the corner. Either that or they are trying to counter the shock of no Christmas bonus with a nice *Hey, it could be worse, you could get layed off* bit of verbiage to cover their asses.

It's certainly not a shock, considering I work in the real estate industry and the state of economy, but still a bit unsettling. I have worked for this small (8 local offices) company for over 13 years (I was their first, full time employee) and things have been quite bountiful in the Bay Area real estate market for as long as I've been around. I have never seen them make a statement like this or even hint at layoffs.

Times, they are a changing.

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