Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The 18 Month Old Blues

So, as of Monday, the boys are officially 18 months old. No more babies. *sniff sniff* I realize I have an embaressment of riches in the baby department, but I couldn't help but get a little wistful going in to Babies R' Us this afternoon. As I searched through the Halloween costumes, I realized that pretty soon, I won't have any reason to shop there!! Well, other than the occasional baby shower, I suppose. Woe is me.

As the boys pass out of babyhood and into toddlerhood, life has been getting increasingly more difficult. It's certainly not as dark & insanity inducing as the first few months of the twins' life, but juggling a 3-year old and two 18-month olds is painfully challenging in its own, unique way. Honestly, it's starting to wear on me. I find myself tired, overwhelmed and irritated most of the time and never able to really enjoy any of them. I know this is a phase, but it makes me sad. It's times like these I wish I was staying at home, but I know that things would be just as hard even if I was.

Most of the time, I have dirty dishes, toys strewn about, piles of laundry, a serious ant issue and babies clinging to my leg or dropping to the ground in fits of hysteria from lack of sleep at daycare. This morning was particularly unpleasant with all awaking at 6:30 a.m. wanting me and only me. I am used to having at least an hour to get ready, empty the dishwasher, sweep the kitchen, maybe fold some laundry, prepare breakfast, etc. before they awake. Not this morning!

Ok, [/whining]

On a positive note, the boys are nodding and shaking their head no. They still are pretty lacking in the articulating words department, but they do use expressive language to get their point across. Technically, they do have one word each. For William, it's "bah" for ball and David says "Buh Buh" for bye-bye. They like the B's, these boys, they do.

For all they lack in the speech department, they make up in the climbing / mischeviousness department. Every time I turn my head, they are on top of the kitchen table or the couch or getting into my shoes (William has a fondness for my shoes - something I fully plan on embaressing him with when he's a teenager).

Never a dull moment.

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