Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The First Day

I woke up feeling like it was the first day of school. I felt like I needed a Trapper Keeper and some new school clothes, honestly I did.

My first day back at work with a "commute" (approximately 20 minute drive through a mountain that connects the peninsula to the coast). For the past 7 years, my commute has consisted of 2 stoplights. To say I have been incredibly spoiled would be an understatement. The prospect didn't really freak me out as I commuted for 5 years from San Francisco before moving close to my office in 2001. This commute today wasn't bad at all (about a half hour), thank goodness. I am still holding my breath, suspicious that traffic was light due to people being on vacation, so time will tell.

One thing's for sure, when I commuted from San Francisco, I was always early or on time. When I had a 2 minute commute, I was late almost every single day. Funny how that works. Oh yeah, I was single with no kids back then...BAH!

I took this photo of the boys over the weekend. I love my Bubs. :)

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