Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Divide and Conquer

Went to my friend's birthday party tonight. I thought I'd mix it up and brought just David and Sofia, let William stay home with dad and have bonding time. Next time, it will be William. It was awesome! David had a blast and Sofia was like a different person with D. when it was just the 2 of them. Very interesting...

I know it's hard to believe that one more child can make that much difference, but having the 2 of them was completely manageable whereas 3 is off the charts chaos. We even went to Trader Joe's afterwards and it was kind of fun. As we drove along and I watched Sofia tickle David in his carseat and him laugh, it made me wonder how different their relationship would have been if there was only one boy. Not that I'd ever trade either of my boys in, but YKWIM.

Went to my friend's birthday party tonight. I thought I'd mix it up and brought just David and Sofia, let William stay home with dad and have bonding time. Next time, it will be William. It was awesome! David had a blast and Sofia was like a different person with D. when it was just the 2 of them. Very interesting...I know it's hard to believe that one more child can make that much difference, but having the 2 of them was completely manageable whereas 3 is off the charts chaos. We even went to Trader Joe's afterwards and it was kind of fun. As we drove along and I watched Sofia tickle David in his carseat and him laugh, it made me wonder how different their relationship would have been if there was only one boy. Not that I'd ever trade either of my boys in, but YKWIM.

The highlight of the evening? Sofia meeting her match in the form of a 6 year old dictator. Sofia kept trying to engage the girl and the girl was giving Sofia the perpetual eye roll, which S. is too young to understand (thank goodness - sucks to see your kid get the eye roll). Some of the conversational gems of Sofia's "I have Dora flip flops," "I go to bed and then I wake up and have breakfast" and "I sleep in my mommy and daddy's room." I just think it's beyond sweet that this is something she's proud of.


The rental drama continues...I am so over it, I can't even tell you. I hate this crap, I really do.

1 comment:

Jen said...

It's so much fun to watch the dynamic change when you remove one kid, isn't it?

Today I got to run errands with just the baby, and she talked non-stop! Most of it I couldn't understand, but she didn't shut up. Normally she barely says anything!

Divide and conquer is good for everyone!