Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Back to the business of parenting.

Ok, I had an epiphany yesterday regarding the speech thing. David has consistently copied everything William does. If William turns his dish upside down, David turns it upside down. If William runs up and touches the dishwasher and I tell him "No!" David immediately runs up and touches the dishwasher. When William started to walk, David started to walk the same day.

I'm now thinking that William may possibly have a speech delay and David is just following his lead. The neurologist who treated William last year with his head injury did say to come back when W. got closer to 2 if there were any speech issues & we would start speech therapy if necessary. I think I am going to talk to the pediatrician about this and make an appt with the neurologist.

Cliff notes version of William situation, for anyone who doesn't know.

(When William was 3 months old, he was accidentally dropped by Steve - it was awful - he had a skull fracture. 3 months later, we discovered fluid in his brain and a CT scan and MRI later, discovered an old subdural hematoma. Long story short, we spent 5 days in the hospital, had about 8 pediatric neurosurgeons & neurologists examine him and none could agree on what had happened but all agreed that he was fine, no intervention was necessary and that the hematoma would resolve on its own. It was probably the darkest few weeks of my life, it was rough.

A follow up MRI last last year revealed that the hematoma had resolved and we were given the all clear. We do have to visit a neurologist once a year to make sure he is developmentally on track, but thus far, he has been.)

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