Monday, November 10, 2008

Calgon...Take Me Away

So the past 2 hours have been off the charts ridiculous. RI-DI-CU-LOUS. Steve is gone working on the old house, getting it ready to be painted this week, so I was single parenting dinner. It's something I do often because even when he's home, Steve isn't always super helpful with mealtimes. You would think he would be, but notsomuch.

The kids were all screaming so hard, it brought me to tears (which I shielded from them.) I don't typically get that frustrated with the kids to that extent, but it was just too much at once. Both boys were inconsolable, refused to eat dinner, were throwing their food on the floor. Sofia was refusing to eat anything I made. I warned her that if she did not sit and eat her dinner, I was going to put away her library books, her most prized possession of the moment. I warned her twice. I counted to 3. She held strong, Taurus that she is and remained completely defiant, so I took the books. You can imagine that scene. Complete hysterics while the boys are simultaneous screeching in stereo, just because.

My sister in law's boys (ages 11, 8 and 5) were home from school today and oh boy, does it show in my kids. I received back 3 mega overstimulated, nap deprived kids who were literally falling apart. I hate days like this. I'm in a pissy mood.

On the bright side, they are all asleep and it's not even 8. That hasn't happened in a long, long time. I think I need a Mike's Hard Lemonade and some Dancing with the Stars.


Amy said...

Hugs for you!

I was horrified at myself the day I took away one of Alex's *books*, but let me tell you, THAT was effective!

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

Good for you for sticking to your guns and taking away the books- even though you knew the tantrum that would ensue. That is always the hard part! Hope you had a quiet evening after that :-)