Monday, June 23, 2008


So both boys are officially walking. It's a new day in the K$$*e house. If we thought we needed a bigger house before...They're new thing? Climbing. At the risk of sounding sexist, I'm going to wonder out loud if this is a boy thing? Sofia never did this, not this early and not to this extent. If they see something, they climb it. It's like it's innate!

I remember a friend who had the same situation as us (3 under 3) telling me in the darkness that was my post partum period..."It gets easier, then it gets hard again, then it gets easier again, then harder again..." I didn't want to hear that at the time, I only wanted to hear "easier." He was soooooo right. I think we're in one of the harder phases. One day at a time.

So here are some pics from a friend's birthday party on Saturday. 4 sets of twins in attendance, it was Twin-a-palooza!

All my kids and my friend's twins on far left and right.

David being the boy that he is.

David sizing up his new friend.

David doing what David does.

Sofia goofing around at home in the blistering heat of last week.

William doing a hat dance.

Check, please!

William multi tasking.


3XMom said...

climbing? Oh yeah, a boy thing. I had two girls first that never got anywhere close to where my boy can get. You're in trouble now!!! LOL.

mrs.izzy said...

Your kids are adorable! I bet it's scary to have your twins walking?

I have a 3 year old boy and 12 month old twin girls. I am scared of the day the girls start walking. Yikes!

Perhaps you're right about the climbing thing and boys. My son started climbing stairs and 9 months and it was nonstop after that. Our first ER trip was at 1 week before his first birthday.

I'm glad I found your blog! I hope you don't mind me putting a link on my blog so that I can visit you again. :-)