Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Sticker Charts and Iced Cream

As of Saturday, we have instituted a sticker chart system in our house. Done out of frustration and admittedly, without much forethought, I didn't download any cute templates, just grabbed a piece of paper, made some stars for the stickers to be placed on and explained the system to Sofia.

The system is Sofia gets one sticker for every time she uses the potty. She can also earn a sticker for getting herself dressed, helping mommy, listening to mommy, etc. Fortunately, my little diva caught on pretty quick and was exclusively using the potty all weekend, including when we went out all day. Her diaper stayed dry and I could not have been more pleased.

Her reward for filling up a sticker chart is either going to the bookstore to buy a new book or going to get an iced cream. I'll let you guess which one she picked when she had filled up her chart by Sunday night!

We ended up going to dinner with all the kids and I let her order a Sundae. Of course, this led to her saying Sunday, Monday, Tuesday (makes perfect sense) which was pretty funny.

We now have a new sticker chart and she is only 2 stickers away from going to the bookstore for a new book.

I'm not naive enough to think this will work forever. Her being 3 and all, I realize that once the novelty wears off, I'm sure she'll lose interest, but I'm trying to keep it fun and keep her engaged, so we'll see.

It's certainly helped the potty training. She is now telling me when she has to go and wearing panties at home (no accidents). I do take her to the potty every 45 minutes or so, so it is requiring a lot of work on my end, but it sure was nice to only use one diaper the other day!!

Wish us luck.

1 comment:

Pam said...

Copying this TOMORROW!!