Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Our Little Date

So tonight, Sofia filled up her sticker chart again. I promised her we could go to the Bookstore and buy one book, so we had a little date. Twist my arm to go to B&N.

I felt sort of daring and let her wear panties on the outing. This is a big step for me, always fearful of an accident. I finally just tried to chill out. I mean, what is the worst thing that can happen? She'll have an accident? I brought extra shorts and panties. Changing a dipe is a pain in the butt, so if she has an accident, I'll change her panties, big woop!

We went to the bathroom as soon as we arrived at the bookstore and as soon as we returned home without any accidents. Yay!

Sofia mostly played with the train set they have there.

We sat and had a cookie and milk in the cafe in B&N. As I love any excuse to go to B&N, I think we may have to do this more often.

Cutest moment -- her announcing to the Cafe employee "I'M WEARING PANTIES!" at the top of her lungs. The lady got quite a kick out of that.

Another funny moment, a few weeks ago, I was sitting on the potty and Sofia was in the bathroom. She turned to me, patted me on my shoulder and said "Take your time, mommy."

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