Monday, July 28, 2008

How I Got Here

Well, I've officially been published. It's a local parent's of twin's newsletter and unpaid, but it's published.

Last year, I wrote an article about having 3 under 3. I think the boys were about 6 months old and I really though I had a handle on things. Oh, I had no idea what was to come, the calm before the storm!!

One of the newsletter coordinators asked if I'd be interested in writing another article, so I thought long and hard about what I'd like to write about. I finally decided to open up and share my journey to motherhood. Not everyone in my "real life" knows about my miscarriages, my use of clomid to conceive or any of the stuff I went through as much of it is kind of taboo, not really talked about.

I was relatively happy with the article, but it really developed into an idea that I had been thinking about for quite some time. Age related infertility and pregnancy loss. Our generation (30 and 40 something's - that is) dirty little secret. There was so much to write about with this, that the editor and I decided to focus on my journey and experience in this article and save the full, more objective article for a later issue. That one will focus on people who have been passengers on the infertility and/or pregnancy loss train.

In the meantime, here is the article that is this month's newsletter. If nothing else, it summarizes my TTC and pregnancy journey for anyone who may be interested to hear how I got here.

Lost and Found


Pam said...

Wonderful article sweetie! Bang up job.

Darylyne said...

You are such a talented writer! I agree 100% that IF and loss are our generation's "secret" and your words resonated so much with me. Looking forward to the next article!

Heather & Chaos said...

Very well written! One reason why I love reading your blogs. I never knew that you didn't know until 12 weeks you were having twins! I guess I just assumed since like me you were on Clomid you found out right away with your first u/s after getting pg. Wow! That must have been a major shocker!!

Momlissa said...

Heather -- It was shocking, esp. after a great 6 wk u/s with one embryo! That said, I was so violently ill that I did think a few times "Maybe the doc missed one" but it was one of those thoughts that you think but typically don't happen, ya know? Well, in this case, it was the realiTEE!! lol

Jen said...

I loved the article!