Friday, July 11, 2008

Date Night

So we've had this "date night" planned for months. Going to see a very funny comedienne (Kathy Griffin) at a south bay winery that hosts concerts. We have great seats, it's going to be a gorgeous summer evening, we have the very expensive babysitter lined up for this special occasion...

I looked online last night to refresh my memory as to the location of our seats. Lo and behold the show has been *postponed*. Seriously?? Because I purchased the tix from a craigslist person, I didn't receive an email letting me know this. I was really glad that I happened to look at the website!! I'd of been pretty ticked to get there and find out there was no show.

Long story short, we decided to have a date night anyway. We're doing dinner and a movie, and if my memory is accurate (which is questionable), we haven't had any sort of date night since Sofia was about 3 months old. I think the last movie we saw in a theater was Finding Nemo - that was pre-marriage, pre-kids. (I actually love going to movies and average about 2 movies a month - with girlfriends. DH does not love to go to movies, clearly)

We are planning on seeing Get Smart. Not my first choice, but there is a surprisingly small amount of "good" movies right now (IMO). I'm not big on superheroes type stuff, was defintely in the mood to laugh and I love Steve Carrell, so we'll see.

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