Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Boys Say Mahalo!

Summer is half over -- hard to believe!!

I'm a lame-o blogger. Was out of town on a girl's weekend with Sofia and playing catch up at work. I had to carry Sofia up a hill on Saturday and my neck and back are tweaked beyond belief. I need a massage, BADLY.

So the boys continue to be constantly in motion. They are boys, through and through, climbing on everything and everything. No *official* words yet - just a lot of ba-ba, da-da, etc. William does say "Yeahhhhhh!" on occasion, does that count? It's hard not to compare as Sofia was practically having conversations at this age, but I am realistic about the boys' speech development, them being twins and boys and all. I read that twins have their own language, called "idioglossia." You learn something new every day!!

Sofia started swim lessons recently and loves those. Wouldn't you know it? There's 4 kids in the class and another Sofia. I suspect this will be a life long sitch with her and this apparently uber-popular name. Great minds think alike. Also, I signed Sofia up for a free trial of gymnastics next month and wouldn't you know it? Our friends from pre-school with the "other" Sofia are also in the class. Small world!

Here are some photos we recently took while visiting the cousins in Sacramento. It was a completely spontaneous idea (thanks Jessica) and so glad we did it.

Their ages are - William (1.25), Delany (2.5), Aiden (4.5), Sofia (3.25), David (1.25)

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