Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Middle age

Sign #1 that Botox is in my near future.

I was playing with Sofia the other day. Actually, attempting to get her to nap while simultaneously napping myself.

We're making each other laugh, being playful, etc. I scrunch up my face and pretend to cry, which always sends her into fits of hysterical laughter. "Don't cry, mommy," she typically says, consoling me by patting my arm slowly.

Not this time. This time, she said "Mommy? Why is your forehead look goofy?"


It's no secret that I turned 40 this year and have been disturbed to discover grey hair sprouting up all over my head. Now, this may be due to my recent color change to auburn (the greys are more visible now) or it could be due to age, having 3 under 3 or a combination of all of it. Any way you slice it, I don't like it. Nope. Not one bit.

In an act of sheer vanity, I have decided to go back to being blonde. I have an appt for 3 weeks from now. I suspect the highlights hid my grey, and that's just the way I like it. Ignorance is bliss...

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