Thursday, July 31, 2008

Crackers and Carseats

Sign #437 that I need to start Weight Watchers...

I had several people complement me on my shirt yesterday, including my husband. I didn't have the heart to tell them it was a maternity shirt from Sofia's pregnancy.

This morning, we went and had the boys' carseats turned forward facing. They were so happy, I don't think they quite know what to make of it yet.

I asked the carseat expert guy if 3 carseats can fit in a CRV and he said the Radian could and possibly the Nautilus. Need to look into that.

Ok, how embaressed was I when they took the carseats out and had about half a cup of cracker crumbs fall all over the ground? I turned beet red and listened as he whisked away the crumbs...and whisked...and kept on whisking...I just looked at him as if to say - Hey, mom of 3 here. Crackers are our life.


Saw Mamma Mia last night. It was fun. Colorful. Uplifting. Did I LOVE it? Eh? I wouldn't go that far, but I'm glad I saw it on the big screen. The scenery was definitely a feast for the eyes and has just elevated my desire to travel to Greece to about the 100th degree. One things's for sure, you had better like musicals if you are going to see it as they break into song every - oh, I don't know - 3 minutes? Meryl is great as is the lead and the other actors, it is just very over the top. I think most people would know that going in, but in case they didn't...

Of course, I got home at 11 p.m. to find a disastrous house, not one toy picked up, not one dish or bottle washed. I was livid. I mean, honestly. The kids were down by 7, Sofia by 8, it would have taken 10 minutes to do the dishes and straighten. So, there I was, doing dishes at 11:30. Not a happy camper was I.

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