Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Boys will Be Boys?

So this boy thing is completely different from the girl thing. Not sure what it is? The testosterone? Innate desire to climb and throw things? It all sounds so sexist, but I am seeing it unfold before my very eyes. Sofia was such a happy baby, so easy going, so social. She just wanted people to make people smile, to dance, engage, laugh, etc. My boys seem only to want to move, move, move. They want to climb things, throw things, explore things. It's quite interesting.

Their newest conquest is the couch. They have learned how to climb up and down and it takes all I have inside me to not freak out every time. The skull fracture when William was 3 months old incidenthas voided any chances of my having a "Ahhh! Boys will be boys!" attitude. I am always sure they are going to plummet to serious injury at any given moment. I'm working on letting go of that a little. Baby steps. Here they are, navigating the couch.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I love your new template! Also, I hear you on the boys thing. My daughter is pretty busy so I got to work into it gradually, but yeah, they're scary. I like the pic of their legs as they're all climbing the couch!