Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Tightening up the Ship

So, over the last few months, it seems I've been waking later and later. This is not good. The kids are waking up later, everything gets pushed back, we are always in a mad rush to get out the door, leaving me a stressed out mess with no makeup on. (I've taken to applying my makeup in the car these days).

In sheer frustration, last night I decided to get things back in line. We've been letting Sofia watch Caillou before bed, turn off the TV at 8 p.m. and it's 8:30 or 9 before she falls asleep. It dawned on me that *maybe* this is contributing to her acting out as well, lack of sleep. Granted, sleeping 9 p.m. - 8 a.m. should be enough, but this a girl who loves her some sleep.

Last night, I informed her there would be no pre-bed Caillou (a bad habit started by myself to get her to comply) but I would sit and read her stories. I did this and we had a great time. At 7:30, I told her it was time to go sleepies. She resisted, of course but I'd already made sure her teeth were brushed, she had a sippy of water, all her blankets, etc. and she didn't have any of her stall tactics at her disposal. (of course, there's always the potty card, but she didn't play it.)

She layed happily in her bed and "read" her books. Keep in mind, this is broad daylight as the curtains in our room are sheer. I peeked in around 8 and she was sound asleep with the blanket over her head (she's done this since she was a baby).

Of course, this meant she woke up full of piss and vinegar at 6:30 a.m.!! I didn't mind as I really want to start waking earlier. The boys woke up shortly after, I made everyone eggs and we had plenty of time to lollygag around, take our time and not be stressed out.

That said, I was still late for work. This is so hard for me as in my former life, I prided myself on puncuality. It was my "thing." Those days are a distant memory.

I think I have to either accept being late for work for the rest of my life or change my hours.

1 comment:

Heather & Chaos said...

Hey! Sofia sounds like Connor! And unfortunately I don't think we'll be able to get rid of that pre-bed show. =( While we are fedding the twins their last bottle, Connor watches a movie or show. But I've decided that I'll put him to bed, he lays there and I read him one book and then it's night, night time. It worked half way decent last night, he didn't whine as much after he was in bed but of course we are going on vacation next week so that will screw everything up. Good luck to you!!