Thursday, May 29, 2008

First Playdate for the twins

So we are going to a playdate with the twins. Or, shall I say, I am. I'm not sure how I'm going to handle both of them alone, but fingers crossed it goes smoothly. Half of me just wants to flake, but the other half knows I need to at least go and check it out. It's about 20 minutes south of me, so not exactly convenient, but is all twin moms. That said, most of them are first time moms, so I'm not sure how I'll mesh. I don't have Sofia today (thank you, preschool!) and Steve will pick her up and they can go to the park.

I'm hoping the boys take an afternoon nap today, but not getting my hopes up. I hear David babbling as I write this and we are supposed to "leave" in about half hour. They have been having quite a lot of fun today, playing, dancing, climbing, throwing food, etc. Both of them have taken some steps today.

I made some progress. Cleaned out my refrigerator and pantry. No small feet around here. Baby steps.

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