Friday, May 15, 2009

7 Quick Takes Friday - May 15, 2009

Let's see if I can get out 7 quick takes, quickly.

1. Sofia has asthma, is coughing like a smoker and actually fell asleep in my arms in the doctor's office wait room today. Unprecedented. It came on suddenly last night. I sent her to school, hoping she was going to be ok, but of course, I had not been here an hour before they called. I wasn't able to pick her up right away and didn't like that feeling. Fortunately, Steve was able to meet me at the doctor's office and take her home afterwards. She was pretty out of it, not able to talk without coughing, so I was concerned. Fortunately, she did perk up after a nebulizer treatment, so hopefully it will stay managed over the weekend.

2. William's new word is "Fowwww-er," a.k.a. Flower.

3. David's new word is "Eh deh," a.k.a. "Out there" referring to Mr. Caterpillar's whereabouts.

4. The other day, Sofia took her shoes off in the car and got sand everywhere. When I pointed out that it was not ok to take your shoes off in the car and get sand all over the floor, she said, and I quote "We can just have the cleaning lady clean it up." It was then that I explained to her that we don't have a cleaning lady anymore. Well, I mean, she still exists, but not in our reality. I wasn't sure what was scarier, her intentionally getting sand all over the floor or assuming that someone else would clean it up.

5. I found a great website this week, Starfall. Sofia is all over it and I love it as it's a great interactive source to teach her phonetics.

6. We're supposed to go to 2 birthday parties this weekend as well as a local parade, but honestly, with Sofia's breathing so bad, we may not be going to anything. I just hope it's not socked in with fog all weekend. Have I mentioned how much I despise fog? It really rusts my soul. I guess living down the street from the beach lends itself to some foggy days.

7. Work has been very busy this week. Not sure what to make of that. But I'd be lying if I did not admit that part of me is like "F-Everyone and everything." I think I need to work on my attitude, ya think?



Gina said...

Hey! "Out there" is TWO words! That's huge! :)

Momlissa said...

Gina - True! Is apple juice considered 2 words? lol. David says "Ahhhpajooo" as one word.