Thursday, January 3, 2008

Yell less,

New Year's resolutions
  1. Be nicer to DH - this would include more sex, less bossing, more kindness, less attitude. Lighten up on always having to be right, having to control things, having it my way or the highway.
  2. Be smarter with my money. I have already spent $300 in groceries this week. That's too much. I need to pare this down, take some notes from J&K+8. Try to use what we already have in the freezer and pantry to prepare meals, instead of buying more food, then never eating it and throwing it out. Plan meals better.
  3. Spend less on magazines. Do not buy a magazine if it has Britney (or Britney related item) or Angelina/Brad (or related item) on it. This should cut down my magazine buying significantly.
  4. Read more. And not just magazines or blogs.
  5. Write more. And not just forums, emails and my blog.
  6. And the biggie. Lose weight. Start WW again. I have let this slide profoundly due to the ridiculous amount of stress I've been under since late summer. The worst part is, I've been paying the WW every month, and not going. Lame, I know. I just need to jump in and get on program, it's easy once you get in the groove.
  7. Try to fit in working out to my schedule, at least twice a week. (this is going to be hard...)
  8. Try to work on being more patient, raise my voice less. I grew up in a yelling household, so I struggle with this. It's my first instinct and I don't like it. I see Sofia yelling at the cats, copying me and I just can't let this happen.

Ok, I think that's enough for now. Don't want to overdo it.

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