Harder than it looks!
Health - This is something that I've always struggled with, growing up with asthma. Now that I have my walking petrie dishes, seems we are always un-healthy, making the times we are healthy much more meaningful. In all seriousness, health scares in my life have brought me to my knees emotionally, which has been hard, but in retrospect, makes so much of the day to day stress much less frightening.
Hot Dogs - I know they are bad, toxic even, to the human body. Despite that, they still rank up there with my top 5 foods. I did grow up eating only all beef, deli old fashioned franks, but still I'm sure they were fat and carcinogen laden. I'm still kind of a hot dog snob, would prefer not to eat packaged hot dogs, unless they are Hebrew Nationals. My first job was working at a ballpark, putting hot dogs in buns for the vendors. And in case you were wondering, I'm a simple girl. Mustard and bun, those are my only requirements.
Halloween - This was my favorite holiday growing up. I guess it says a lot of my mental state as a kid that I looked forward to becoming another person for a day. It was an opportunity to wear something outlandish, put on makeup (as a child!) and act a bit crazy. The weather was just starting to turn (living in California, that would mean turning from high 60's to low 60's) and there was a new smell in the air, a new light was cast. And well...ya know...the candy didn't suck either.
Hair - So, I'm not even going to lie. I'm a bit obsessed with my hair. From the days when I begged to have my hair cut off for a Dorothy Hamill style, then cried like a baby as I had to walk around with this unflattering bowl cut, hair has played a huge part in my identity. It's been permed, colored, cut, grown long, highlighted, lowlighted, reddened, henna'ed, conditioned, glossed and crimped. I prefer my hair on the longer side, although I know my days are numbered on carrying that off. For those of you who know me, you will probably be chuckling at this one as I've been mercilessly teased for having coiffed hair at all times. Now granted, there were a few months in there, postpartum, when my hair wasn't looking so cute, but for the most part, you won't see me leave the house without my hair looking ready to impress. And yes, I used to be a hair stylist. Briefly. Hardest job I ever had.
History Channel -- I adore the History Channel. I can become quite engrossed in anything from The History of Sex in the Bible to a documentary about clowns. Seriously, I think I picked the wrong major at times.
Hotels - There is nothing better about a beautiful, clean, hotel room. For one thing, it usually means you are on vacation. Clean slate, new travel adventures looming, maid service and a mini bar? It doesn't get any better than that.
Home - I am a Taurus and as such, treasure nothing more than my house and all that goes with it. I have been told by ex boyfriends (and my husband) that "You always want to go DO stuff," but that is just a smokescreen. At heart, I really am a homebody.
Handwriting - I love writing and looking at people's writing. I have always been able to mimic most people's handwriting and my own changes frequently, although now that I have kids, it has settled into one slightly right slanting (oh, the irony!) doctor-like chicken scratch. They say that changing your writing frequently is a sign of instability, but I say it's a sign of a creative girl exploring all her options.
Hawaii - What can I say about this other than I can't wait until my kids are old enough so that we can go back. I've gone twice, once with an a-hole ex boyfriend who bought a time share and is probably still enjoying it and once on my honeymoon. It is truly magical, in every way.
The Hills - I had to balance out the History Channel with something, right? I've been watching the Hills before it was the Hills, when she was known as LC and the show was Laguna Beach. (By the way, how much is Kristin K. kicking herself that she didn't jump aboard that train at the time? Last I saw her, she was sidling up to the Kardashian sisters and being made fun of on TMZ) My husband and I watch it together. Yes, it's kind of embaressing, but that show is seriously addicting. Plus it gives me something to talk about with my 23 year old cousins.
Oh, you did a great job on that! Besides the History Channel, I am with you on all of those. Well, technically, I've never been to Hawaii, but what's not to like??
OMG, Irish triplets?! How adorable, Happy is a pretty tough H word in my book.
I tagged you on my blog. Just because I know you have so much spare time and all.
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