This is my daughter at the pediatrician's office, confirming that she does indeed have an ear infection. (This was after her randomly mentioning some weirdness with her ear & discovering she had a temperature.)
It's the weekend. It's what we do.
The worst part? Having her gleefully exclaim,"Yey! Now we all have ear infections!"
Ugh. Ear infections aren't contagious, are they? On a happier note, I left you an award on my blog!
Well, they are are bacterial, but no, I don't think they're contagious. This is only her 2nd one in her life, so we've been pretty lucky. Both times, she gave me little indication she was having pain. She's a real drama queen at times and can be a royal PITA, but boy, she's a trooper when it comes to the sickies.
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