I had to leave detailed instructions for medicine dissemination and while relatively confident in his ability to play nurse, I'm not going to lie, I worry. Apparently, I'm not the only one less than confident as my sister in law suggested I teach Sofia how to do a nebulizer treatment to make sure he's doing it correctly. He's also got oral antibiotics to administer to 2 children and Motrin for all 3 at different dosages. Fun with meds!
I did receive a text message from him around 2 letting me know that they were all sleeping. I was happy to hear that all was well.
How wrong is it that upon finding out that she had a mild temperature this morning, my daughter went off *skipping* to excitedly share the news with her father.
"Daddy!? Daddy?! Guess what? Mommy says I have a fever!!!!!!!!!!!"
Twisted, just twisted, it is.
I wonder how long before poor Steve gives in to the sickies.
Dang! Seems like you folks have had more than your fair share of the sickies this year!
I'm sorry you guys keep battling sickies. We do too. It seems no sooner do we get over one thing, another thing hits.
I'm also so sorry you guys are going through the job loss thing too. It is rough. Many {{hugs}} to you.
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