So, dinner party = success.
Houseful of kids (6 under 5) was off-the-charts chaotic, but ever so worth it.
Using Macaroni Grill as the caterer was a splendid idea (if I do say so myself) and would highly recommend it. Did I mention that they deliver for $20? Sweet. The delivery lady was about as sweet as could be and even offered to stay and set up for me. After a nice tip for her, we sent her off on her way to watch the sunset down the street.
The cost of the meal was no worse if we had taken everyone out to dinner or if I'd attempted to buy all the food and ingredients myself. We had chicken marsala for the entree, bread and their house salad. I also ordered chicken nuggets for the kids and for anyone who has had "chicken nuggets" at Macaroni Grill knows this equates to huge pieces of chicken cooked in thick batter. We had enough chicken nuggets to feed an army!! I sent most of the leftovers to my sister in law's today, to feed my children and her 3 hungry boys. We also had my shrimp/veggie dip and a bunch of munchies (mini quiches, courtesy of Costco.)
I managed to stay pretty focused on my "sobriety" for the evening. (I have taken to calling my Weight Watchers sobriety, mostly because I've been watching too much Sober House and it's the only word that snaps me into line when something like cheddar pretzels or guacamole beckons to me. ) I do consider myself a food addict, so it works for me. Can't risk my sobriety, I tell myself and surprisingly, it has worked. I did not count points for the dinner party, but for anyone who entertains regularly knows, overeating is usually a moot point. Over drinking, on the other hand..
I balanced things out by eating mostly zero points or low points food yesterday and am feeling pretty good about things.
Highlight of the evening? One of the blowhard husbands telling me I needed to up my water intake to 50-80 oz a day as this is what worked for him when training for Iron Man. I'm fairly sure that borders on water-poisoning levels, but will have to check on that.
~ Listening to Sofia run around the room, saying "I'm Jewish!" and giggling, for no apparent reason. We're going to file this with the I Have No Idea/Champagne comment. We are not Jewish and I 'm perplexed as to why she would run around saying this like a manic little diva AND think it was hilarious to boot.
~ Aforementioned blowhard husbands chiming in when we were talking about how different my twins look with "What about their genitals? Are they different too?" Exqueeze me?
He made a few other very inappropriate and/or homophobic references which has led me to believe that he, himself, is gay. I am intrigued at people who live a double life, in this day and age, but my gut is telling he may be one of them. In addition to the homophobic comments, he made many other comments, asserting his masculinity. Yep. Pretty sure on that one.
All the kids got along quite well, so that was great. Three girls can be a recipe for disaster, with someone always feeling left out, but fortunately, this was not the case.
Quite an enjoyable evening and I'm proud that I attempted to beyond my comfort zone.
The boys playing chase around the table

Know why your blog is one of my very favorites? Because I don't think you could make this stuff up if you tried. Glad you had such a great dinner.
Sounds like you ROCKED the dinner party! How funny that one of your guests asked about your kid's wee wee's!!!! WTH?!
So... are they different?? JUST KIDDING!!!! LOL
Sounds like a great night!! And macaroni grill delivers? Coolness.
lol on the sobreity comment. I fell off the wagon last night for my birthday. I had two giant slices of white pizza with green peppers, sliced tomatoes and black olives. AND a piece of birthday cake. I added up the points, it was something like 40, but I don't care. Back on the wagon today. tee hee.
Sounds awesome. Although, what's up with that dinner guest? Good job not punching him! LOL!
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