2. I Didn't Gain! As much as I tried to talk myself out of going, I forced myself to attend Weight Watchers this week, after missing last week’s weigh in. Much to my surprise, I lost a lb. Now granted, I had gained a pound at the previous weigh in, but hey, at least I didn’t gain. That’s my mantra.
3. Job Search. I have spent the better part of the morning dealing with unemployment paperwork and job searches for my husband, at the public library. I feel like I’m working on a middle school project, working there, but I can’t do it at home (the boys are there with Steve) and wasn’t due to come into work until noon, so there you go. I cannot put into words how frustrating it is to have to apply for each job by visiting the company’s website, registering and putting in your profile information and entire work history for every.single.job. I’m sapped. That’s it. I’m spent.
4.Second interview. On that same note, Steve has a second phone interview on Monday for the position I spoke of yesterday. Still cautiously optimistic here.
5.In Over My Head? I have my one on one training session with the mother’s club Web Momma tonight. Have I mentioned I may have gotten in over my head? I downloaded the website manual. It’s 467 pages. I actually printed it out (at work, ssssh) and put it in a binder, just to let her know I was serious. I’m still not sure if this is something I am going to be able to manage, so we’ll see.
6.WIC. I need to research WIC. I had thought that with my job and unemployment for Steve, we would not qualify, but after seeing how much Steve is receiving, I may need to research this further.
7.Light at The End of the Tunnel? Things seem to be picking up at the office. One house that was listed last week for $1,150,000 just sold. Boom, bam, gone! That hasn’t happened for months. Hmmm, is there a light at the end of the tunnel?
I've heard it's much easier to qualify for WIC than you'd think. Good luck with everything!!
Good Luck to Steve with the job interview! I hope it pans out. It sounds like you sure could use it!
I feel your pain on the three birthday's. Mine are with one week of each other. Oh yeah and add the hubby in there too that makes FOUR birthday's in the span of one week. Can you say someone is going to be left out (and unforuantely it's been my hubby. =( ).
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