Eek, Friday the 13th to boot!
1. I gained a pound this week. No shock there. I have been super stressed (see #2) and bought some reduced fat Cheeze-its. A lethal combo.
2. I've been struggling with a fair amount of angst over whether to rent or sell our vacant house. Now, I find out that our landlord (my boss) may have to sell the house we live in come September. Damn those ARM's. Deep breaths, deep breaths.
3. I did a little photo shoot of our house yesterday. It took all the anger management genes inside me (not much, admittedly) to not go postal on Sofia as she insisted on getting in every frame. If you look closely, you can see my lame attempt to photoshop her out the frame. It's kind of like Where's Waldo.
The house did come out cute and truth be told, I get verklempt looking at these pictures and all the memories that house holds. I love our current house, but it's not ours. What do I miss most of all? Those gorgeous hardwood floors. Carpets and little kids do not mix and are a great source of anxiety for me in our current abode.
4. I'm going to attempt to write my first paid freelance article this weekend. Wish me luck. Not sure when I'll have time to complete it, but I need to find the time.
5. Sofia and I are doing a sleepover at a friend's house late in the weekend. Very much looking forward to it.
6. The job search is going quite abysmally, might I say. I have applied to several positions and not heard one word back. I've retooled my resume, I've filled out questionnaires, trying to wow them with my mad writerly skills. I know the job market sucks, but this is beginning to really hit my self confidence where it hurts. I have a solid work history, I have a college degree. What the hey??? It's ugly out there...I used to think I was pretty marketable, now I'm questioning everything and generally feeling pretty shitty about the whole situation. I am feeling good about #4, but that is not about the money (it pays practically nothing), more about the exposure and building my portfolio.
7. I am finding it hard to sleep at night due to #6 and the prospect of losing my job. A 5 person family with no income? Not a scenario I am hoping to ever see. But it could happen. It could.
1 comment:
What a great house!! I love it! Good luck on your article.
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