He did not want his binky, he did not want a bottle. He did not want to lay down. I brought him in my bed, but he did not want to lay down in my bed either. The only way he was happy was to sit on my lap, forward facing, clinging to me like a little monkey. When I attempted to lay down with him in this position, or put a blanket on top of us (it was in the 30's outside) he screamed "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I have to admit I am spoiled in the sleep department. Anyone who knows me knows what a sleep freak I am. Despite a rocky first 3 months with the twins, they have been on a schedule since early on - slept through the night since about 10 weeks old. 99.5% of the time, they sleep 12-13 hrs and I don't hear a peep from them.
This was obviously one of the .5% nights.
Considering how much moms go through with little ones and sleep issues, I probably shouldn't even complain, but I'm tiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrred. I don't do sleep deprivation very well. The one time I had severe sleep deprivation (first month of the twins' life) I ended up in the hospital and almost died. Yes, I am a wimp.
Anyway, back to William.
I finally gave up. I just let him lay in bed with Dad while I got ready for work (he cried the whole time, btw), then made all 3 children breakfast. I was concerned about his ear infection, so brought him with me and took him to the drop in pediatrician's office before work. His ear doesn't look any worse, so I was glad to hear that, I guess. Now, I'm just hoping that whatever caused his all night freak out doesn't repeat itself tonight.
So, here I am. At work. Tired. That said, I think I would rather be here than at home right now.
Ugh... I'm sure it's his ears. I had a ton of ear infections all the way until my early adulthood, so I know they hurt BAD. Poor baby...
I'm like you with the sleep. I NEED my sleep. Do NOT mess with me if I haven't had any sleep. I hope you get a good nights sleep tonight!
Amy -- I had EI's growing up too, also as an adult and it's in the top 3 most excruciating pain experiences of my life. I had to get my ear lanced...That's why I thought his ear was maybe getting worse...
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