I love Thursdays. Since September 2005, when I returned to work after having Sofia, it has been my day off. It's the perfect day off. Over the years, I have considered asking for Friday off instead, (Mondays are a no-go - the most important day of the week in real estate) but thought better of it. I love having a little mini weekend in the middle of the week. Just knowing that I only have to get through 3 days of work until having a day off helps keep me sane. I have switched days to Friday off a few times and working 4 days in a row as opposed to 3 was brutal.
Back in my youth (and by youth, I mean twenties), Thursday was the beginning of the weekend. It meant going out somewhere low key, just to warm things up a bit before the big partying of Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Maybe a drink after work, maybe dinner and a movie, but something.
Back in the DAY (meaning my late teens and early twenties), Thursday meant Knots Landing was on. That was HUGE. My friends and I would get together with some popcorn and wine coolers (it was the 80's after all) and pore over the antics of Val, Karen and Greg Sumner. Oh yeah, those were the days.
In addition to being my day off in today's world, it's also the day after LOST and when I usually spend a little too much online time reading about what I just watched, possibly watching the epi again when I have a moment, taking notes and reading some online theories some more.
Thursday really is my favorite day.
We LOVE Thursday here too. Hubs works a 4 day work week and Thursday night is his last shift of the week. So we often say to each other, "Thank GOD it's Thursday!"
I am so behind on Lost. But I prefer to watch several episodes together so I don't go crazy wondering what's coming up next. ;)
Also, I nominated you for having a great blog that I love to read! Share the love and be sure to check out your nomination!
Great post, yes back in the day of going out of thursday nights. But honestly I will say glad those days are gone, mostly, ha.
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