To attend Blogher in Chicago would be the cherry on the cake of my year.
I was not new to the world of online networks when I started my blog in February 2007, but most of my online contribution had been primarily related to infertility and miscarriage. 2006 brought the death of my father and an unexpected twin pregnancy. Overnight, I went from "age related miscarriage girl" to "soon to be mom of 3 under 2 girl" - a complete 180 in terms of my identity.
Once I got past the mind numbing nausea of the first 20 weeks of my pregnancy, I sought out others who had been in my shoes and lived to tell about it. Along the way, I sharpened my writing skills, found my niche and made some profound connections with people, that have at times, been the sole source of hope amidst the chaos that is my life.
My blog began as a generic, online journal for friends and family, sharing the details of the the first year with my Irish triplets. And what a year it was. 2007 and 2008 brought us health crises, unemployment and 5 hospitalizations. As I wrote and more importantly, read others' blogs, it became clear to me that I needed to take my blog to the next level. I started a new blog, with new graphics and began to make blogging & writing a large part of my life, outside of caring for my family and of course, my full time job outside the home.
I'm always looking for ways to network and learn more about the world of MommyBlogging, so attending the BlogHer conference would certainly be a wonderful opportunity. Given that my husband is currently unemployed, I have no idea how I will afford a trip to Chicago, but trust that if I win this pass, I will find a way. I have a whole closet of outgrown baby clothes that are just calling out to Ebay and craigslist.
If you go, then I'll have to go!
Oh boy, wouldn't that be fun! We could go to Oprah! lol
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