I also liked very much that Sean Penn does indeed have a self awareness of his douchey-ness. Seriously, though, he deserved that one. I was very happy he won and the screenwriter as well.
I'm not sure how I feel about Heath Ledger's award, but I haven't seen the performance and probably won't, so probably should not have an opinion.
I thought Hugh did a great job. He's a hot renaissance man, that guy. Yummmmm.
I thought Diane Lane looked fabulous and I need to take some of what she's taking. Cripe!
I also thought Robert D. J. looked incredible, like he'd just returned from a spa.
Most of the ladies looked really gorgeous. Lots of classic glamour, I love that.
Anne Hathoway looked lovely, as did Amy Adams (although I'm not so hot on the necklace. Sofia loved it! ) We have watched Ella Enchanted recently, so Sofia was very happy to see 2 princesses there.
She actually asked at one point, "Where's Cinderella, Mommy?"
I love her, god knows I do, but would it KILL Jennifer Aniston to wear her hair up or do something different than the way she always wears it? I know she's the queen of boho chic, but seriously, mix it up, girl. Don't get me wrong - I love her and would kill to have her hair or body or both, but the long and straight thing is getting old. The whole her and JM vs. Brad and Angelina was a bit tense, them panning to AJ when JA was on stage. Oy, that must suck.
Meryl Streep looked great. She sometimes can be a bit offbeat, but she was really pulled together this time.
I thought Mickey Rourke looked good too. Steve was like "He looks awful!" I was like, "Have you seen Mickey Rourke in the past 5 years? He's looking great, trust me!"
My thoughts exactly...except I did see Dark Knight and Heath TOTALLY deserved that award. My mom and I discussed Jen's hair today too. She feels like you. I stuck up for her, but I secretly agree an updo would do the girl good. Just once.
I'm not a big action, batman, fan but the dark knight was incredible! I highly recommend watching it! Heath, in my opinion, has been the best out of all the Jokers.
I just now came across your blog! Great Job!
It wasn't Heath's performance that I had issue with (having not seen it)but more the deceased receiving the award. I'm not saying he did not deserve it, but there was a whole marketing maching vying for the nomination and award and I am not sure how I feel about that.
I do love Christian Bale (despite his anger management issues) so probably should see the movie so I can discuss this intelligently. lol
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