Thursday, March 6, 2008

Slice of life day 2 - Formula

Formula. All I can think about lately is formula. My twins are fast approaching one, I have a huge birthday party to plan for them and my daughter and yet, I still keep obsessing on formula. In just over a week, we will no longer be slaves to formula ever again.

I have a lot to reflect on in this past year; my hospitalization with pneumonia, William's medical issues, family members dying, the Groundhog Day existence that my life has become and yet - my mind is full of formula. Powdered, ready to feed, 8 oz, 32 oz, Costco Brand, Premium brand, we've covered all of it and then some. There was a time (which feels like yesterday, it truly does) when the twins were probably 2 weeks old and I was on the verge of a breakdown as I washed bottles for the 5th time in that particular day. I questioned whether I'd ever be able to get used to this pace, this "new" normal.

Fast forward one year and here I am. I gave some thought to the time, cost and manpower feeding these boys has involved. I calculated approximately 3,640 bottles at a cost of $3600 for the year. Time involved? Approximately 52 hours for the year.

So as I look forward to a formula free future, I find myself wondering what will now become the "new" normal. Formula is expensive, but so is bread, eggs, cheese, meat, fruits and vegetables for 3 kids - not to mention the time involved preparing food for 3 kids and cleaning up the aftermath. I guess ultimately, it's probably a wash.

Maybe the formula thing wasn't so bad? Time will tell.

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