This doesn't mean I'm not disappointed - I am - I had a good cry and am trying not to let it eat at me - but just have to keep moving forward and be happy I'm still currently employed. (knock on wood)
And today is 80's day at Sofia's pre-school. This meant she got to wear a dress, leggings, leg warmers and jellies to school. Needless to say, Sofia was a happy camper this morning.
I am sorry you didn't get the job... but you should still be proud of yourself, 80% is pretty good!
Well, that sucks...but it just means something better will definitely come along.
And thanks for the link to the cool Lost/namaste article. I loved it! I love the whole namaste meaning.
80% is great!
I feel relieved for you that you didn't get it, but I am not the go-getter that you are. I'm proud of you for how well you did! You're right -- this just means something perfect for you is still on the way.
I'm sorry about the 80% (sounds like an awesome score to me) but I find it ironic that it was 80's day for your daugther. And what' s up with constantly making fun of us 80s girls? My kids STILL have that dress up day in high school. and they love to torment me with big hair and leg warmers and cut off sweatshirts that are inside-out. Sigh.
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