I'm not sure what he is going to say about my recurrent sinusitis, but I guess I'll find out. I certainly can't go forward taking a strong Abx every month, that's no solution.
While it's frightening to look back and see how much time I spent blogging about sickness, it's kind of nice to have a record of when who was sick. I think it goes without saying that "Sickies" is one of my more prolific post labels.
I hope you are able to get some good answers from the ENT. Hang in there!
We have been so sick this winter too that one of B's coworkers told him the other day that we should check into getting our ducts cleaned out. Yeah...not so much. Then everyone I know needs to call the duct guy. I am reading blogs with a kleenex in one hand, and as soon as I am done I am hitting the neti pot again. Get well.
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