(I won't mention that one of the cats shat in my leather boots that I attempted to wear this morning. Fumigation will need to occur before they grace my legs anytime soon. But I won't be talking about that here, today)
I finally entered this decade and have a functional, loaded IPOD. Steve loaded most of my CD's on it, then I downloaded some Britney and Lady Gaga and got in a few good walks this weekend, which always improves my mood. I feel good about that.
On that note, "Sexy Back" is a great song to walk to. I'm just sayin'.
I also feel good that Sofia is getting much better with getting dressed by herself and not always in a horrifying way. Saturday, she put on her tights, leotard and ballet shoes on her own, no small feat. She's also getting much better about picking clothes that actually match.
I feel good about how amazing and sweet William is. He is always wanting to clean. Sofia dropped yogurt on the floor and he was very concerned. Kept saying "Lo lo! Lo lo!" (yogurt) and ran, grabbed wipe and cleaned it himself. He loves to wear all of Sofia's socks, the brighter the better, but primarily the Little Mermaid ones. He *brings* me my shoes or slippers and tries to put them on my feet. When you say "Ni, ni!" He runs into his room and tries to climb in his crib to go to bed or take a nap. I could just eat him up most of the time.
Ok, what else positive? I applied to another city job, hopefully will get called to another exam. It doesn't pay as much as the one before, but more than I make. We'll see. Things are picking up in the office, so it's not as doom and gloom as it was.
Steve has a few lines in the water and we're finally getting the unemployment checks.
What else? What else?
I have Disneyland in April to look forward to and it's already payed for, so don't have to stress on it. Plus I have almost $200 in gift cards to bring with, so I think we're going to be set.
I have Austin in May to look forward to and quite frankly, I cannot wait to see my BFF again. I really, really miss her.
And keeping with my positive theme for today, I'm attending a talk on "Positive Discipline" tonight at the library, then drinks afterwards with a group of women. I'm very much looking forward to it.
Glad to see you putting a positive spin on things! I was a little worried about you yesterday. :( William sounds so adorably helpful! How precious!
I always feel better after an evening with other women sans kids. Hopefully you will to. :)
Congratulations on entering this decade!!! Embarassingly, I still have not. Maybe one of these days...the little radio/CD player on the kitchen counter just ain't happenin'.
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