Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Dr. Doom & Dr. Fine

So, we have two doctors. The reason for this? Our primary pediatrician is in San Francisco, 45 minutes away from us. During the first year of the twins' life, we went through some incredibly scary medical issues with William and he was there for all of it, supporting us, helping us navigate some often troublesome waters. For that reason, he remains our primary pediatrician for all well checks and serious illnesses. He is an older gentleman, father of 3 children under 3 himself and overall, a wonderful physician. That said, he's old school, pro-vax and no nonsense. He doesn't get worked up by much and has sort a great outlook. I know when he seems concerned about something (as was the case with William) that there probably is something to be worried about.

Sometimes he is a little too nonchalant, but for the most part, I respect his opinion greatly. I call him "Dr. Fine" as in everything is going to be fine.

For the ever so frequent minor illnesses, we visit a local pediatrican's office. He is a pleasant enough man in his 40's who is very nerdy and logical. I like to call him "Dr. Doom" as he tends to be a little too quick to jump to worrisome diagnoses. He carries a laptop with him at all times in which he types copious notes as I speak (or at least that is what I think he's doing, he could be writing emails for all I know.)

Yesterday, Dr. Doom pronounced Sofia to have "walking pneumonia." I'm not exactly sure I agree with his diagnosis, but he is the doctor, so she's on an antibiotic, an oral steroid and obviously, continuing with the nebulizer treatments. Having had asthma my entire life, plus pneumonina, bronchitis, etc. and a card carrying graduate of Dr. Google, I tend to think it's more likely she has bronchitis, but again - I'm not the one with the stethoscope and he is the doctor.

He also said she was the "happiest" sick kid he's ever seen. On that, he was spot on.



Gina said...

How funny...I see a Dr. Fine too! My OB-GYN is also a Dr. Fine. I couldn't live without them, due to my ahem...tendency to panic.

Cheryl Lage said...

Oh my gosh, I love this post! (Well, except for the unfortunate diagnosis...)

We have docs of both varieties in our practice (like your Dr. Fine) declared Sarah once had a bad case of the "hickum jickum flickum" She was charmed and always asks for him now. (There's something reassurance about that kind of confidence, isn't there?)

Hoping all get well soon!