This is the face of a very backed up little boy.
Saturday brought day 5 of no poop and this was an expression that he presented more often than not, understandably. This weekend’s main goal was to get David to poop. It’s good to have goals.
Ever since David turned one, we've had hard-core constipation issues (no pun intended).
At the 18 mo well check, my pedi poo-pooed my concern (pun intended) and so, it's something we've been dealing with for a while. It seems to be getting worse.
I’ll admit, David is a dairy freak. We have cut back significantly on his dairy intake, but the constipation is still occurring every time he has to move his bowels.
This weekend, we gave him Miralax, pears and I made Fiber One muffins laced with pears and prunes. I also gave him apple juice laced with prune juice.
I was going to get this kid to poop if it was the lastthing I did. The only problem was that of course, Sofia and William also wanted the - what will forever be known as - the “Poop Muffins” too. In fact, they loved them and wanted two and three. I cut Sofia off at one, but let William have a few. I let David eat as many as he would like, within reason.
You can imagine what how the latter part of the weekend went down.
Suffice it to say, David pooped. Oh yes, he pooped. And pooped. And pooped.
As did William, who does not have bowel issues. Our house was fairly offensive by 3 p.m. Sunday, but those pipes were cleared out!
Post Poop Joy!
More on the household front…
No word from the promising job for husband…He does have an interview/seminar thing he’s attending tomorrow. It’s probably not something he’d be interested in, but he’s going because…well, it’s not like he has anything else to do.
After blowing up at him over the state of the house last week (I had been gone for 12 hours and the house was a sty - on a day when he did not have the kids) I came home to a spotless house Wednesday evening. It was trashed within about 45 minutes, but it was nice to come home to.
And at the risk of sounding like some crazy Joan Crawford/Kate Gosselin hybrid shrew, my husband really sucks at doing laundry. I found a load my work clothes mixed in with towels and kid’s socks and underwear. For the love of all that is holy. Deep breaths.
He kept telling me that the boys’ dresser was overfull. I looked in to find pajama tops mixed in with regular tee shirts (gasp), collared shirts in the drawer (that should have been hung up) and just all sorts of laundry related crazy-making.
The cherry on the cake of my day was finding little fuzzy toddler socks in my tights.
I know he’s trying, but I may have to make him a laundry cheat sheet. I’m really not anal,
even though I know I sound like it.
I think we are on the right track with unemployment and Cobra, but I won’t hold my breath. I have an appointment with WIC in a few weeks. We definitely qualify income wise right now, but beyond that, it gets a bit fuzzy.
That’s it from here.
P.S. Oh yeah, Sofia has been having breathing issues since yesterday, so we're slated to visit the pediatrician this afternoon. Nebulizer treatments are not effective, so I suspect bronchitis.
Your life is so eerily parallel to mine! One of my twins, (the boy) also has poo issues. Bad poo issues. The only thing that works for him is mineral oil in his juice. Prunes, pears, apple juice do not work. The poor guy pushes so hard sometimes he actually has thrown up. I think the worst part of the whole process is the smell once the poop starts to finally happen! You could smell him coming from a mile away!
I hope things start to look up for you. I feel your pain when you describe the twins whining and crying, most of the time I actually have to hide in my closet to make a phone call! I swear my 5 year old sits with my twins at night planning on how they are going to torture me the next day. The worst is when my husband reminds me of the HUGE fit I threw to have more kids after our 1st. Who knew? She was an angel, you just assume all your kids will follow suit! I guess the best part is we would never change a thing!
If it makes you feel any better, my husband cannot do laundry AT ALL. Frankly, it's a little shocking how inept he can be(and I say that also as someone who's not terribly anal about housework.) You're not alone!
Love your blog:)
If it makes you feel any better, my husband cannot do laundry AT ALL. Frankly, it's a little shocking how inept he can be(and I say that also as someone who's not terribly anal about housework.) You're not alone!
Love your blog:)
hahahaha your poop story sure made me laugh. i have a little girl...almost two and 5 month old twin boys. my boys already have poop issues. the doctor wants me to give them vitamins with iron... it makes them get way backed up...but when it's a two person job to clean it up. YIKES!
Love the poop story... nuthin like a good poop story! And atleast your hubby is trying to do your laundry. I am not sure I would let mine... he can just stick to his own stuff. And the towels, I will let him do those too.
Love, love, love "laundry related crazy-making"!!! Still giggling... Can definitely see that happening at my house too!!
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