Life has been a bit hectic in our household.
Overview of the past 6 weeks.
We rented WatermXXXX (our little house in Belmont). We were able to negotiate a 6 month lease, which was what we wanted. It rented within one week, so *whew* one less thing to worry about.
The boys did not qualify for speech therapy. The have a "mild delay" and would need to have a "moderate" delay to qualify for Early Start. I'm not sure I agree with the assessment, but they did say to call back in a few months if the boys don't progress.
Life with 2 two year old is getting considerably more difficult every day. I had been saying that Sofia was more difficult. Now, the boys are giving me a run for my money. The level of neediness has reached a critical mass. Many times, I find myself saying "I'm not having fun." That said, no one ever said it would be fun...
The boys -- always into something!
Sofia is turning into a little girl more and more. She likes to pick out her own clothes and shoes, which is at times, cute, other times, incredibly frustrating. It's kind of bittersweet, this transition. Her 4th birthday is approaching fast and we're all systems go to have Ariel make an appearance at the party. I am going to surprise her with the trip to Disneyland as her gift. I am not sure if she'll "get it" and thought about not telling her we were going until the day we leave (a few days after her birthday party) but can't resist presenting this to her that day, since, after all, it is her present.
Sofia and one of her "get ups"
The boys turn 2 this Sunday and we have a few small events scheduled to recognize the day. I can't even begin to wrap my head around the fact that those cute little babies of mine are toddlers. Pretty soon, they'll be little boys and talking back and being boys and all that goes with it. Something to look forward to. After months of William being dominant, David has taken the reigns and is now a little dictator. It's interesting to watch.
The inmates, running the asylum!
And the sickies, always the sickies...
Since I wrote last, we've had a few illnesses, 3 ear infections and I'm on my second round of antibiotics for a sinus infection...AND...I feel like I'm getting sick again.
Welcome to my life!
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