I received an invitation to attend the written exam for one of the jobs I applied for. It was one of the better jobs, Executive Assistant to Superintendant for the County Office of Education.
This was one of the jobs that required an extensive questionnaire accompanying the application. It's a state job. It pays a lot more than I make now with ridiculously perky bennies.
I'm excited, relieved I am not a total loser after all and of course, NERVOUS AS HELL!!!
It's got me all a toot and a flutter, to the point of forgetting to be nervous for the husband and his big interview today!
(It's also full time, which would take me away from the boys, but I can't go there right now)
And how 'bout that last minute addition to the cast of Dancing with the Stars? What a marketing coup for ABC, eh? I predict, Melissa will be America's Sweetheart!
I was like "YOU GO, GIRL!" Team Melissa here. Take that Molly & Jason! Melissa's will rule the world!
Lil Kim did better than expected, Denise Richards kind of sucked (despite my pulling for her -- tall, gorgeous, long limbed woman don't typically do very well) and boy did Steve-O clean up his act!
That's awesome! I knew things would turn around for you soon. :)
Woo hoo! That is awesome!!! And judging from your blog, I know you'll do great on the written part!
I watched Dancing with the Stars for the first time ever last night. I admit that I fast forwarded through a lot of the extras, but I did like it. And how. cute. was. Melissa??? She was so good! I felt mean laughing at the people who sucked, but I also think it will be interesting to see them get better. Steve-O was a pleasant surprise. :)
Yeah, I've been addicted to DWTS since the twins were born. I sat there, bleary eyed during the many middle of the night feedings, watching it on the DVR. Then, I watched it when I was hospitalized. It's cheesy as hell, but I get excited when the theme song comes on.
Woot! good luck!
Congrats on the interview and best of luck to you! Knock 'em dead!
We love DWTS -- although I missed it last night. Hope to catch it next time!
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