It wasn't too painful. I wouldn't say it was easy by any stretch, but there was no complicated accounting questions, so that was a bonus.
There was a Scan-tron and a #2 pencil involved. Let's just say it's been many a moon since I filled in a Scan-tron.
I was led into a large boardroom that housed about 50 people, mostly women, mostly over 40. I was one of the youngest there, so not sure how to feel about that.
The test was divided into 3 parts: Following Instructions, basic secretarial questions and then proofreading.
The first part was probably the hardest. The proctor played an audio recording where the person was dictating complicated, detailed instructions about inter office procedures, policies, etcetera for which we needed to take accurate notes in order to answer the first part of the test. It involved different color codes for filing, ordering, account numbers, procedures, mail and so on. I felt like getting out a steno pad. I don't have, nor have I ever had, a steno pad, but it seems like it would have come in handy at that moment.
The basic secretarial/customer service section was challenging as well. Most of it was situational questions and how to best handle any given scenario. I hope that I answered correctly after so many years of customer service and assisting, but you never can tell.
The proofreading section was my favorite part.
I will just say that I don't test well, so I'm not sure what to expect. From what I understand, they are taking the top scorers of the test (not sure if that's top 10 or 20) and taking them to the next level, the oral exam with a panel.
I should know something by tomorrow afternoon.
Going there did make me more comfortable with the idea of this whole new job, seeing the building and those who work there. Fear of the unknown is the worst part of all of it. Looking at my competition made me want it even more. I'm not overtly competitive, but there were moments...
I'm kind of zen about it at this point. I am completely freaked out about a large life change, but in all actuality, I need this job. If I got this job, there is a possibility that my husband could stay home with the kids right now while I work. It's not my perfect scenario, but right now, I feel like we are bleeding money and that course can't continue.
There is still the possibility that Steve will get this job he's been interviewing for, so if he does get it, that may complicated things. I'm not sure I want my kids in full time day care. But I'll cross that bridge should I come to it.
If I don't get it, I will continue to keep my eye on the county jobs. I come from a long line of civil servants - my grandfather was the Chief of Police, my father and brother are/were city employees and I feel like this just makes sense for me. The benefits and retirement plan are also quite attractive.
We'll see what happens. Please keep a good thought.
Good Luck Melissa!!! I'm glad they don't drag out when you find out. There is nothing worse than waiting WEEKS to find out how you did on a test. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
Being a county employee here with a husband who recently joined the ranks also (he now works for a city) I can't say enough about the perks! Good luck!!!!
Fingers crossed!!! Sending good vibes! :) I can't wait to hear what happens!
Good Luck! Job hunting/interviewing is so stressful and no fun at all. I really hope it all works out... and soon!
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