So, exciting news. My friend Gina at Namaste By Day just gave me my first award. Woo hoo! This award asks me to share some random, honest things about myself, so here goes...
(I have done this sort of thing before and for those of you who are on Facebook with me, you probably have seen my recent "16 things about me" note, so this will be repetitive.)
1. I love the History Channel, Frontline, Meet the Press, This Week with G.S. and Nova. I also love all of the VH1/MTV and E Channel Reality shows; Rock of Love, The Hills, and Celebrity Rehab. What.....a dichotomy.
2. I can forge pretty much anyone's signature. This came in very handy in high school, let me tell you. I regularly forge my boss' signature (with her blessing) and can change my writing style to match my mood. I read somewhere that people who change handwriting often are unbalanced. Now it all makes sense.
3. I was raised by a true blue (or pink as the case may be - *rimshot please*) beatnik/hippie dad who used to teach art and also received a National Endowment for the Arts grant in the 70's. To say my upbringing was offbeat would be an understatement. Dad rolled with Ferlinghetti in North Beach and made lots of interesting artwork growing up. He had girlfriends that were practically teenagers. There was always a sweet, funny smell in his house but I will give him credit, he never did it in front of us until we were adults.
4. My name was supposed to be Atman. My brother's name is Brahman, which is a really big deal in Hindu world. Hippy. Dad. Get the picture?
5. On my 3rd birthday, my brother and I were taken away from my mother. I saw her a handful of times after that and then never saw her again after age 6.
6. I won first prize in a college literary magazine short story contest in 1989. The story focused on #5.
7. In 1989, I lost 80 lbs on my own, through diet and exercise. I kept it off for 15 years, then lost 40 lbs on WW before my 2003 wedding. Since I started trying to conceive in 2003, having miscarriages, babies and more babies, it's been an uphill struggle with my weight. 4 pregnancies in 3 years will do wonders to a girl's figure. I do not recognize myself when I look in the mirror anymore. Working out used to be such an integral part of my life but unfortunately, doesn't really fit into my current lifestyle. That is my main goal for this year, to get back to a realistic, comfortable place with my weight and as a result, a much healthier lifestyle.
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