So yeah. Not to get all Supernanny on you, but we've instituted some new rules and posted them for all to see. It makes perfect sense. In my single days, I was a "rules" girl and now, a mom of three and feeling the need for some semblance of law and order in my household, I've returned to "the rules."
In order for them to be effective, I have to apply these rules to everyone, including the boys. Consequence for breaking a rule is a time out. (I don't really believe in time outs under 2, but if the boys actions are really egregious, they will get a calm down time in their crib equal to one minute, just to show Sofia that I mean business and these rules are not to be broken.)
I'll have to get back to you on how they're working out.
I particularly like the "if it's on the floor, it gets thrown away" rule. Talk about killing two birds with one stone!!
PLEASE keep me updated on how this goes. I really like them.
"If it is on the floor it is trash," we had that rule. Until my eldest figured out that I might throw away a few socks to make a point, but that soon I would have to stop or they would go to school naked. He called me on it with a brand new pair of jeans, I couldn't make myself throw them away. Word then spread like wildfire through the siblings. *sigh*
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